2021 Priority Bills: Reparations for Black Lives

Demand Reparations for the Protection and Liberation of Black Lives in Washington State

We’re not here for tokens, we’re here for liberation and change.

There’s still 50+ days left in the 2021 legislative session. We’ve gotten this far because you’re doing the work it takes to learn the process, learn the bills, learn the players, and take direct action. YOU are telling lawmakers what YOU demand.

Do. Not. Stop. Not for a single day. This is a marathon, not a sprint.

We’re hitting another critical moment. Between now and next Tuesday March 9th, we need to get 6 bills through the floor. Or they’re dead.

YOU need to keep the pressure ON.

Learn about our priority bills: 2021 Reparations for Black Lives.

Join the Washington Black Lives Matter Alliance email list for daily action alerts.